Why are you interested in this project?

This is a great opportunity to share knowledge with other artists who are starting up; also to learn of new opportunities and resources available.

Three examples of past work

Evening Compasse (2014)

Evening Compasses is a still image from my 2013 onsite installation titled fl éches sans corps(arrows without borders) . The image emerge with an elegiac tone as the work explores the traumatic experience that many so-called ‘illegal’ immigrants face after having been forced to leave their homeland. The sea is usually a place where we confront our dreams and desires. We are fond of its serene beauty and calmness but yet it can also be a menacing and daunting place for some. The image encapsulate the horror of the missing bodies of ‘illegal’ immigrants who tries to cross the border. The haunting calmness of the sea embodied themes of trauma and displacement on the ongoing migrant crisis affecting us all.

Evening Compasse

Stairs to Nowhere (2014)

Stairs to Nowhere emphasis on the theme of accessibility and inaccessibility of the moving bodies in accessing their dreams and desires. Using the landscape as a metaphor to accentuate the barriers, obstacles and challenges one encounter in the struggle for opportunities, immunity and protection. This image is connected to themes of trauma and displacement of bodies in having access to freedom. The inaccessibility and suffering of these moving bodies are captured in this image of stairs to nowhere.

Stairs to Nowhere

Balcony (2014)

The balcony is a place where one would sit and enjoy the beauty of it’s radiant surrounding. Yet, the balcony occupying the image feels out of place and disconnect with it’s environment. The alienating feeling of the balcony speaks of the intervention of bodies in modifying and altering spaces that it conquer. Similar to Stairs to Nowhere, the image express the sense of inaccessibility and immobility of movement. The restriction of movement makes it hard for the moving body to participate in the beauty it occupies. The image addresses themes of belonging, displacement of bodies and territory.
